Lee Moss Media

Our Services

We are the largest network of premium African American web sites - period. On a monthly basis, our sites attract more than 2.2 million unique visitors. We can deliver can deliver over 12 million ad impressions.

Our services range from online advertising to PR strategies to diversity recruiting. We can offer the following:

Banner Advertising - Clients can run an extensive campaign of 728x90, 160x600 and 300x250 banner ads across our network of sites.

Newsletter Advertising - Clients can run a 468x60 or 120x60 banner ad or text link ad in any of our weekly email newsletters.

Solo Email Blast - Clients can customize and send a direct email to our database of over 4 million subscribers and registered members.

Press Release Distribution - Clients can distribute press releases to all the African American newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations. The press releases can also be published on BlackNews.com as content.

Job Posting/Employer Showcase - Clients can post job listings on the career centers of our various sites, and be listed in the showcase as a featured employer.

Resume Search - Clients can sift through over 40,000 resumes of professional African American job seekers.


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Lee Moss Media | 750 Cross Pointe Road | Suite Q | Columbus, OH 43230