We just made an enhancement to the site in the "Careers" section. Just click on the Careers link at the top of the page, then go to the link on the right under "Job Seekers" and click on "Hiring Companies".
- OR - Click Here To Submit Resume! From there, you can sort through and view companies that are working with us to hiring African American professionals, so please spread the word. Once you view a company you are interested in, on their profile page, you can submit your resume. If you are logged into the site, it will automatically pull up your info so all you have to do is click once to submit your resume!
Would love some feedback on how we can make this as user friendly and easy as possible for you to be able to submit your resume to hiring companies. Just leave me a constructive comment here on this post!
Quick link:
Employer Profiles
Posted By: Will Moss
Sunday, December 14th 2008 at 6:43PM
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